This is the story of two young fishermen. Contrarily to the heroes of Ancient Greece, they did not participate in historical wars; unlike Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, they did not find a buried treasure in an abandoned house; nor did they solve dark mysteries like Sherlock Holmes and Watson.
This is the story of two fishermen in the modern world, living lives without earth-shaking adventures, lives without the fear of tomorrow: the lives of two simple persons.
Should I tell you the wonderful story of Joe and Gérald - the two happiest men on this planet? Would you be interested to know that both of them wake up at five to go fishing on their boat, and always come back home to their wives with a smile on their face? Would you like to listen to a story that starts well, is quiet in the middle, and ends beautifully?
I know the story. I can assure you that it's beautiful.
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