I've been faithfully single for a while now. Since 2020 to be more exact. I might have been emotionally entangled with someone from my LoveLight class, but nothing very serious came out of it. Maybe something might have happened had we not been thousands of miles apart. Maybe. I don't know.
I therefore reserve the right to call myself as single for nearly half a decade. I'm almost proud of this, like a badge of honour that I can proudly show off as I parade my single butt around.
I am rather pleased with myself to see my intellectual faculties re-emerge and stretch its arms with a huge yawn.
I'm glad to be able to find my old self again. I missed this.
I almost forgot that I love writing. I love crafting pretty sentences that I delicately string together to produce some sort of art, that I finally unveil to the world as I hit the publish button.
I was rather surprised recently to be fully captivated by a soul on Facebook.
How superficial of me. 🤦🏽♂️ I know. I know. Facebook is the only virtual platform I visit these days.
And there she was. She was by no means the hot babe most men drool over, but the simplicity of this atma reminded me that out there, there might be this elusive perfect one. Or maybe it could be her?
I would like to add a fat LOL here, to illustrate the improbability of this ever happening - but, I will be an eternal optimist concerning this! 👼🏼
My heart agrees with this blog post, and we'll both hit the PUBLISH button, after attaching a photo of our favorite flower (which looks a lot like her, tbh): the frangipani.