Monday, December 05, 2005


I am tired. Of the opposite sex. Of women running around "oh I want a nice guy" and end up screwing all the sadistic males around. Why? Because those guys are hot. Those same women end up eating ice-cream or chocolate while their female friends pat their backs - "Oh, you know, he doesn't know what he just lost."

Okay, I'm pissed. I just wanted to point out to all the nice and nicer guys out there - the nice guy always loses it all. This statement implies that I'm in the "nice guys" club. Well, yeah, I guess so. I've got good examples to contrast with.

Me: How serious would you want it to get?
Friend: I just want to have an open relationship.
Me: Meaning?
Friend: It's like a pact, you know - you can have sex with anybody you want, while still being with the other person.
Me: But...
Friend: Yeah, that would be real neat.

Weirdly, I wanted a girl for totally the opposite reasons. Not for the sex, but more for the emotional affection. Everybody keeps telling me that it's not fatal to be alone. Ha. The shimmering light of the pixels is like alchemy - a science that brings loneliness and seclusion to the ones caressing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know precisely what you mean when it comes to people having absurd reasons for wanting to date others. Here is the rub on the entire situation, though: wanting to date someone for the emotional side might indicate that you're needing others to make yourself happy. There is nothing good about a relationship that has one person requiring another in order to be happy, whether that be emotionally or physically. "Casual sex" or "open" relationships do not sit well with me at all and I avoid even hearing about them as much as possible - I see no point in having a relationship if all I am going to do is have sex with them and everyone else. That is using others.

Loneliness isn't so bad if you know how to take care of your own emotions and make yourself happy. Having a significant other is nice, absolutely and they can make you even happier but it's only good when you and them aren't putting your entire happiness into each other. Don't be so concerned about others and just worry about yourself; if anyone steps into your life, then that's a bonus. What other people choose to do is their own problem and chances are they will find themselves in a mess that they probably more than deserved. The things worth doing were never made to be easy.

Sorry I haven't been online much lately, Rowan, as ironically as it is, I just got back from spending two weeks living with my partner.